The Many Wars of the Ganden Phodrang – Panel IATS 2019

Wed. 10 July 2019, 8.30-12.40


Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales – 65 rue des Grands Moulins – 75013 Paris

Room 3.15

Website of the IATS

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The Many Wars of the Ganden Phodrang (1642-1959)

Panel organizers:

Dr Ryosuke Kobayashi, Kyushu University, Japan

Dr Alice Travers, CNRS, CRCAO, France

Organised in the framework of the project TibArmy with the core team and invited participants, this panel studies the numerous wars fought by the Tibetan armies both in internal and international contexts during the Ganden Phodrang period. It seeks to document less-known armed conflicts and shed light on other better-known events through new sources, depicting how battles were then fought; it also analyses the role of wars, be they won or lost, as generating change on four levels: in the development of the Tibetan military institutions themselves (organisation, tactics, technology, etc.); in the development of the Tibetan government (recruitment, tax system, etc.); in the links between army and society (impacts on civils, their treatment by troops, the practice of voluntary recruitment in times of war, etc.); in international politics (for instance, how Mongol and Sino-Manchu troops’ intervention or absence in Tibetan wars participated in the definition of broader political relationships).

Chair: Alice Travers; Discussant: Tashi Tsering Josayma

8:30 Ryosuke Kobayashi, Alice Travers – Panel Introduction

8:40 Federica Venturi – The Fifth Dalai Lama and the Conflict with Bhutan in 1668

9:05 Yuri Komatsubara – Tibetan Policies during the First Sino-Gurkha War (1788-1789)

9:30 Dai Yingcong – The Gurkha Wars and the Shift of the Qing Tibetan Policy during the Qianlong-JiaqingTransition, 1780-1820

9:55 Jeannine Bischoff – Rewarding a Paid Sword – A 1904 Letter of Honour by the bka’ shag for Soldiers Who Fought the British Invaders

10:20 Coffee break

Chair: Ryosuke Kobayashi; Discussant: Tashi Tsering Josayma

10:50 Federica Venturi – Presentation of the TibArmy project: A Timeline of Wars during the Ganden Phodrang Period

11:00 Ryosuke Kobayashi – The Ganden Phodrang Army and the Sino-Tibetan Border Conflict in 1918

11:25 Alice Travers – Borders’ Defence at Wartime: the Role of Local Militia (yul dmag) and Border Guards (sa srung) in the Early 20th Century

11:50 Alex Raymond – The Battle of Chamdo (October 1950)

12:15 Discussion

12:40 Lunch

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